Dan Oestreich, M.A., Reflective leadership coach and consultant
30+ years experience in science, health care, government, financial services, academic and many other environments.

My mission is to help clients build their capacities as individual leaders and as leadership teams in four areas:​

to assert and affrm their unique value and direction

to love, give to and serve others

to act with clarity and integrity

and to create trust-based, authentic relationships
There is always more to learn about building these capacities. The more we as leaders are versatile and balanced in their application, the better able we are to lead positive change and create more humanistic, inclusive and engaging workplace cultures.
Self-knowledge is first and foremost what differentiates good leaders from great ones, enabling us to grow, overcome limits and past conditioning, and balance our personal and professional lives effectively.
My work emphasizes reflection and introspection and is founded on core leadership principles: taking responsibility, asking for feedback, developing clear goals for personal development, overcoming negative beliefs about self and others, and managing emotions.